And I thought to myself, HOW CUTE! And then I looked at the price tag and decided I wasn't ready to part with that much money... So I thought, I CAN MAKE SOMETHING LIKE THAT!So I went home, made myself the last serving of an old oatmeal canister, and got to work!
I mod-podged tissue paper around the outside to give it a textured appearance (one piece of regular tissue paper torn in half worked perfectly for me).
After it dried (which I accelerated with a fan!), I spray painted it black, let it dry, and spray painted it orange.
Next, with Kirklands' help, I drew his face on the oatmeal canister and cut out the shapes --- I originally tried using a box cutter, but mine is a safety box cutter so the blade doesn't stick out far enough for it to go through the can... so I resorted to using a steak knife. I DO NOT RECCOMMEND USING A STEAK KNIFE AT ALL! It worked for what I needed, but I also cut my finger open (nothing serious, but please, please, PLEASE do NOT use a steak knife. Let my lesson be a lesson learned for you so you don't do the same!)
After I bandaged myself up, this is what I got:
Not perfect by any means (you can see on the right where the box cutter sliced diagnolly down his face... Poor Jack... We call him Scar lol) but I only had to go buy a can of orange spray paint... so this project only cost me $3 to make! (Speaking of spray paint, if you can avoid buying it at Michael's, do it, because often times Walmart will have the same brand and color or something comparable for half the price!) I'm going to try again and see if I can make Jack a girlfriend. Maybe she'll be a little prettier :)
Thanks for stopping by! :)
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